
Hi! I’m Stephanie. I’m a stay-at-home mom who styles Costco clothing as a creative outlet.*

I’m not a professional stylist, model or designer, but I have an interest in fashion. Not the fancy, expensive, runway kind, but the every day kind of fashion. I used to watch “What Not to Wear” religiously. I’ve had in-person styling sessions. I follow stylists and bloggers and apply what I see online. And I always think back to my first fashion mentor, my Grandma, who taught me the most important lesson of all — that great style doesn’t have to be expensive.

My love affair with Costco began in 2001 when I first moved near a town with a warehouse. These days, I visit often. Costco’s clothing game has evolved and their prices allow me to live the whole “great style …” mantra.

Thanks for following along!

Email: stephanie@costcocasual.com

*Note I’m not affiliated with or compensated by Costco. I’m just sharing the love!